Red Hat

We’re the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies. We help you standardize across environments, develop cloud-native applications, and integrate, automate, secure, and manage complex environments with award-winning support, training, and consulting services.

We revolutionized the operating system with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®. Now, we have a broad portfolio, including hybrid cloud infrastructure, middleware, agile integration, cloud-native application development, and management and automation solutions. With Red Hat technologies, companies can successfully adapt as business becomes more digital and interconnected.

We are Red Hat. We’ve been here for more than 25 years, and we’re here to help you face your business challenges head-on.


A trusted leader in innovation


Red Hat initially saw success with a custom distribution of Linux, then called “Red Hat Linux.” The reliability and growth of Red Hat and Linux have made the 2 synonymous to many. Since those early days, we’ve built on this foundation to support nearly all levels of the IT stack and support Linux across the hybrid cloud.


Open Hybrid Cloud

We believe in the power of open hybrid cloud. Standalone cloud deployments based on proprietary technology aren’t the answer because they inhibit clouds from interacting with one another. Open hybrid cloud brings the interoperability, workload portability, and flexibility of open source to hybrid environments, bridging them together and creating a unified experience.



Red Hat is the second-largest contributor to the upstream Kubernetes project and the originator of many of its key features, components, and related container technologies. We have years of experience running Kubernetes in the cloud and supporting organizations using containers in production. Today, we’re working with the cloud-native community to push the boundaries of what containers and Kubernetes can do, from serverless computing to machine learning.

Open Source

Red Hat’s dedication to, support of, and decades of involvement in open source communities lets us contribute useful technology, refine and harden it, and prepare it for the enterprise. This engagement comes with a promise: Keep these technologies open so everyone can help create, promote, and maintain better open source software and discourage patent aggression.



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